Jan 9, 2023Liked by Nicolas Gatien

I tend to agree with your hypothesis from Dec 11. Processing and pattern recognition should logically progress logarithmicly rather than arithmetically.

As you suppose this is due to transference. Previous knowledge being applied to the acquisition of new.

The Tabula rosa is really only applicable in organic intelligence in the first few seconds, the slate fills quickly.

Storage capacity and thus to some extent speed of knowledge acquisition however, in organic is limited by the physical nature of the organism. Hence the decline of neuroplasticity with age In AI this issue can be overridden by simply building bigger to put it crudely.

In theory if it can recognize some patterns it should be able to recognize similar easier. The trick will be applying pattern to concept. As in the dog example. It must learn what a dog is not just that a specific pattern is a dog not a muffin. That is only a dog not "dog" .

Will this come through the recognition of more patterns, or is more required?

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I am hoping it will but I will not know until I can test it xD

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Jan 8, 2023Liked by Nicolas Gatien

Well explained. Glad that you seem to be enjoying the book :)

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