Jan 15, 2023Liked by Nicolas Gatien

Truly fascinating for me but for what may seem totally different but completely analogous reasons.

It is the eternal return of the return. Inadvertently you have confirmed ideals of McLuhan and rediscovered even restructuring through a phenomenological personal experience the work and philosophy of John Dewey

Mcluhan stated that the medium is the message, in this the information gathered in the cards becomes attached to the medium of the card. It is inherently different from identical information stored digitally. You access it differently, experience it differently and this its latent meaning and thus your understanding and all subsequent, shall we say experience of such is different, this includes the development of the neuro pathways needed to access it.

Indeed the medium is the message here.

In this medium your organizational structure and alpha numeric organization is remarkably analogous to the structure created by John Dewey. He even described in a way , the concious you describe.

Now as a dweller of the 900's myself (see Dewey's system) i love this return to the return, historic empathy at its finest.

Oddly I have oft thought of the the exact nature of the change in epistemological conscious since the advent of digitized personal memory.

This reverse engineering of that previous state of conscious comming from one on the other side going back and the subsequent observations have been extremely interesting and useful to understanding the historic paradigm shift in conscious we are currently experience.

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Nicolas Gatien

love your description of "ghost in the box" and your first-hand experience of it!

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