
Don't let the cause you to judge your knowledge to harshly,

The only sin greater ar times of not being or knowing what we think we do, is to know more than we give ourselves credit for. A balance of understanding is required. You know far more than you give yourself credit for. And you have more to say than you think you do.

But take the time and think on this.

I will await what comes out of the amalgam of the existential and the artificial (could not resist that eh)

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Truly a maturing in the writing process.

You see in the end craft is not king.

Content is the thing. The craft of good wrting can cover a multitude of sins, but that is not and should never be the point.

Sophistry is just that and shallow in the end.

No good writing enhances, enlivens and in the case of what I like to call the moder baroque arcane of your posts, renders it accessible to us mortals.

But there needs be something for us to access. Content is the thing.

Now you have committed the horrible academic sin of honesty. You have admitted that you have nothing new at the moment. You openly state you have more research to do.

You can gave no bloody idea how refreshing it is to hear someone admitt to such. It's never done, the current trend is to stay being the current trend. The thing is you could get away with it. Many such as I don't know enough to know the difference. To admit to have work to do and to beg leave from the maddening crowd to go and so do is wonderfull. And really honorable to not abuse our epistemological ignorance in the field


Now, however, a word. You need not worry, you don't write badly at all. In fact you write well. It will improve however, when, as you say, you have something to say. Mear craft is poor is just that. You will write better when you have better to write about. To be there in your evolution as a writer, now, take it as a compliment.

Another word, do not let ones questioning of your knowledge once make you question your knowledge. Your ideals are noble, but don't let them

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